Matilda Moors

Matilda Moors


Matilda Moors work exists as prints, sculptures, installations, text and audio that deploy languages associated with youth and teenage culture to create pieces with a skewed-cartoonesque-cuteness, a sense of homespun crafting, and an honest directness through text.

Moors examines how fictional bodies, particularly those of monsters and cartoons act as metaphors for the pressures of late-capitalism. Her practice draws connections between the physical stresses and abnormalities of these cartoon or monstrous bodies and ideas of abjection and difficulty associated with historical feminist artwork. Thematically she is concerned with consumption, conformity, girlish-ness and anxiety. She has exhibited throughout the UK and internationally at galleries and institutions including; Somerset House (London), The Horse Hospital (London), Scai the Bathhouse (Tokyo), Five Years Gallery (London), The Royal Standard (Liverpool), Supercollider (Blackpool), and Strange Cargo (Folkstone). She was the recipient of the Gilbert Bayes Scholarship Award (2019), the MARA/ LOPF Print Prize (2019) and Tokyo Geidai Residency (2017). She was a founding member of School of the Damned, an alternative MA programme and ran artist-led project space SAUNA. Recently her work focuses on what she terms the ‘abject cute’ as a way to explore forms of resistance or subversion through a combination of appeal and disgust.

Selected Works